Diagnostic tool
Diagnostic tool
The Hydroqc library includes a diagnostic tool to recover all the available data from your Hydro-Québec account in a format allowing us to investigate specific problems.
To be used on the express request of developers only
Most problems can be resolved from available logs. Please send us diagnostic data only when asked.
At first you must install the hydroqc library in a virtual environment Python.
mkdir hydroqc
cd hydroqc
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install Hydro-Quebec-API-Wrapper
Once installed you can use the following command to generate the folder and diagnostic files. A folder will be created automatically with all the information that the library is able to fetch on the Hydro-Québec portal for the specified account.
hydroqc-diag -u [email protected] -p Soleil123 -c NoClient -a NoCompte -C NoContrat
For more information on available options you can run hydroqc-diag -h
Traitement et partage des données
These files contain personal information
We ask you to erase your personal file information before sending it to us. Your names, address, email, accounts/customer/contract should ideally be replaced by fake values in the same format.
To share files with developers we will suggest using the https://privatebin.net tool which allows data sharing in a safe manner.